Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Chapter 2 - Cambios

Musica-Intro-Sonando is a truth state that varies. Musica-Intro-Sonando is false.

To start musical introduction:
    now Musica-Sonando is true;
    now Musica-Intro-Sonando is true; [aviso: la intro ahora esta sonando!]
    [asumimos que has asignado el canal con anterioridad]
    dplay the sound of inicio, notifying when finished.

[Esta regla captura el Soundnotify, avisa que la intro termino (para que la regla Restore-Intro-Music ya no haga nada) y finalmente reproduce la musica del juego]
A glulx sound notification rule (this is the Start-Game-Music rule):
    now Musica-Intro-Sonando is false; [aviso: la intro ya no esta sonando!]
    now Musica-Sonando is false;
    [asumimos que has asignado el canal con anterioridad]
    reponer banda sonora.

A glulx object-updating rule (this is the Restore-Intro-Music rule):
    if Musica-Intro-Sonando is true:
        start musical introduction.

To temporizar cada (MS - number) ms:
    (- if (glk_gestalt(gestalt_Timer,0)) { glk_request_timer_events({MS}); } -)

To activar sonidos ambientales:
    temporizar cada 2000 ms. [es decir, cada 2 segundo]

To desactivar sonidos ambientales:
    temporizar cada 0 ms. [es decir, desactiva el timer]

A glulx object-updating rule (this is the Restore-Sonidos-Ambientales rule):
    if Primera-Ejecucion is true: [esto solo se ejecuta 1 vez, antes de iniciar nada del juego]
        now Primera-Ejecucion is false; [corrige la pifia de Windows Glulxe que te explique arriba!!]
        stop; [importante: no se debe seguir ejecutando el resto de la regla!!]
    if Efectos-Sonando is true:
        activar sonidos ambientales;
        desactivar sonidos ambientales.

The Restore-Sonidos-Ambientales rule is listed after update sound-objects of Damusix rule in the glulx object-updating rules.

The Restore-Intro-Music rule is listed after update sound-objects of Damusix rule in the glulx object-updating rules.

[ Poner lo adecuado cuando termine el inicial ]
To reponer banda sonora:
    now Musica-Sonando is true;
    if location is in Pantano:
        dplay sound of pantano;
    otherwise if location is in Castillo:
        dplay sound of castillo;
        dplay sound of cuevas.

Musica-Sonando is a truth state that varies. Musica-Sonando is false.
Efectos-Sonando is a truth state that varies. Efectos-Sonando is false.

To subir musica:
    if Musica-Intro-Sonando is true:
        simple fade in sound of inicio to global volume over 250 ms;
    otherwise if sound of pantano is playing in the background:
        simple fade in sound of pantano to global volume over 250 ms;
    otherwise if sound of cuevas is playing in the background:
        simple fade in sound of cuevas to global volume over 250 ms.

To bajar musica:
    if Musica-Intro-Sonando is true:
        simple fade out sound of inicio to 40% volume over 250 ms;
    otherwise if sound of pantano is playing in the background:
        simple fade out sound of pantano to 40% volume over 250 ms;
    otherwise if sound of cuevas is playing in the background:
        simple fade out sound of cuevas to 40% volume over 250 ms.

To cambiar estado efectos:
    if Efectos-Sonando is true:
        say "Silenciando efectos sonoros.";
        now Efectos-Sonando is false;
        if location is in Pantano:
            dstop sound of efectos;
        desactivar sonidos ambientales;
        subir musica;
        say "Activando efectos sonoros.";
        now Efectos-Sonando is true;
        if location is in Pantano and location is not Pantano23 and location is not Pantano24:
            dplay sound of efectos;
        bajar musica;
        activar sonidos ambientales.

To cambiar estado musica:
    if Musica-Sonando is true:
        say "Silenciando música.";
        now Musica-Sonando is false;
        if Musica-Intro-Sonando is true:
            now Musica-Intro-Sonando is false;
            dstop sound of inicio;
        otherwise if location is in Castillo:
            dstop sound of castillo;
        otherwise if location is in Pantano:
            dstop sound of pantano;
            dstop sound of cuevas;
        say "Activando música.";
        now Musica-Sonando is true;
        reponer banda sonora.

Primera-Ejecucion is a truth state that varies. Primera-Ejecucion is true.

A glulx timed activity (this is the Gran Ambientador de Sonidos rule):
    if the location of lobo is adjacent to location and a random chance of 10 in 100 succeeds:
        vplay the Sound of aullido;
    if lobo is visible and a random chance of 15 in 100 succeeds:
        vplay the Sound of grulobo;
    if the location of deavork is adjacent to location and a random chance of 15 in 100 succeeds:
        vplay the Sound of grunido;
    if the deavork is visible and a random chance of 10 in 100 succeeds:
        vplay the sound of aleteo;
    if the location is in Cuevas:
        if a random chance of 10 in 100 succeeds:
            vplay sound of gota.


    El relato
